Sanity's Edge

Sanity's Edge


35 minutes

Southwest of Alavelis, Telvanni Peninsula

War Within

"A source of all hopes, dreams, and fears, the mind is an ever-changing landscape. It is our greatest asset, ally, and enemy all at once. Pray that yours never turns on you."—Wizard Twelvane  


Spiral Descender

Exarchanic Yaseyla

Archwizard Twelvane and Chimera

Ansuul the Tormentor

Gear Sets

Peace and Serenity   Light Armor
Perfected Peace and Serenity   Light Armor
Ansuul's Torment   Medium Armor
Perfected Ansuul's Torment   Medium Armor
Transformative Hope   Light Armor
Perfected Transformative Hope   Light Armor
Test of Resolve   Heavy Armor
Perfected Test of Resolve   Heavy Armor


Sane and Clearheaded   50 points
Sanity's Edge Vanquisher   10 points
Sanity's Edge Conqueror   10 points
Tenacious Dreamer   50 points
Sanity's Edge Sprinter   50 points
Lucid Dreaming   50 points
Master of the Mind   50 points
Terror Slayer   10 points
Paranoxia Slayer   10 points
Positive Visualization   10 points
Astral Cycle   10 points
Clinical Mortality   10 points
Voice of Clarity   10 points
Fearless Sanity   10 points
Group Therapy   10 points
Mage Protector   15 points
Dream Destroyer   15 points
